Born and raised in Southern California, devon__taylor is a warm soul with worn soles. You can usually spot her running or wandering along LA beaches, sidewalks, streets, or south bay trails. Flash her a smile and I guarantee she will return the gesture or beat you to it. Her vibrant personality is often showcased by brightly colored clothes, but her infamous “serious-ponytail” indicates when she is ready for business. Armed with a degree in Film/Video Production, she aspires to one day work for a digital agency.
I think at times we may feel lost or wayward as we transition through life. Pursuing the Wayward Compass is a phrase that reflects the unpredictable moments that guide or challenge our pursuit of happiness. To me, being wayward means being a little rebellious, creating your own path, and enjoying the journey even if you don’t know exactly where you’ll end up. It’s about having the confidence to know you’ll get “there” and overcoming the obstacles that test/question your ability to progress. The Wayward Compass Blog is an outlet to document my deepest thoughts and most interesting experiences. I hope to inspire you to step outside your comfort zone, to be bold, and to never give up on your dreams.
Live positive. Move forward. Get excited : Don’t let the challenge, be an excuse.
“ avid runner, adventure seeker, and nature infatuate (run/walk/crawl/stumble)-ing through early adulthood. I am adjusting to life outside of textbook answers, and barely beginning to take life seriously, and yet not so seriously at the same time.” -devon__taylor
*I am not a certified trainer, nutritionist, health coach or fitness expert. Always consult your physician before trying any new diet or program. All opinions and reviews are my own.